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The Illumination Retreat


The             Retreat


Peru, June 7th to June 14th, 2025


Peruvian Sacred Stargate Retreat

All Inclusive Retreat
June 7th to June 14th, 2025

The               Creatrix


Roxanne Chaput, is a globally renowned modern-day embodied Creatrix Oracle, known for her revolutionary intensional path-cutting for conscious creators, change agents, and disruptive embodied heart leaders to birth through anchoring the regenesis of primordial creational god sovereign universal liberty that sustains in returning humanity to the reunification of the sacred passages of land that sustain us, provide for us and nurture us through the elemental kingdoms of creation. 


To honour the Indigenous roots of the ancient elders who walk among us in spirit from the celestial planes to the storytelling held within the soul's records of ancient wonder and mastery in reverence to the eternal Mother and Father Arc, God. 


Through the last decade of intensional creating the highest caliber of stewardship for her global facilitation, Roxanne birthed two exponentially powerful immersive states of gaining direct access to her primordial creatrix consciousness wisdom in full proximity to geographical location residing where individuals can deep dive into embodied lived accelerated growth through multisensory, multidimensional healing that is unparalleled. 


The Illumination Retreat® and Soullular™ Healing, are the foundational sacred vessels of conscious creation that are part of the divine blueprint of Roxanne's ancient luminosity as a creator being proving passages of luminosity, exponential leadership shifts that enable healthful disruptive change to systems that do not honour humanity, it is Roxanne's dedicated intensionality to influence radical sustainable change that honours the sacred waters of change as much as the sacred soil that underpins all that is built upon it for the betterment of humanity and conscious creation through her global facilitation, client stewardship, and organization changes she powerfully impacts. 


Roxanne's experience is highly acclaimed and sought after with a waitlist of up to a year with many of her offerings as she holds a reciprocal space of working intensionally with those ready to elevate and lead the communities they work, reside, and influence for sustainable lasting change where everyone can thrive, not simply be tied to survive. Roxanne celebrates universal sovereignty in the sacred passages of tranquility and humility that to lead in such ways as she does reflects the integrity and commitment she chooses daily to walk this embodied path to elevate humanity in ways not seen of this world, yet ready to be self-actualized within this world, in oneness once more. 

Testimonials & Reviews



In life, when we have the extraordinary opportunity to connect with individuals who inspire us and add significant value both professionally and personally, honoring these connections becomes essential. It serves as the foundation upon which relationships are built, sustained, and celebrated in all areas of life. I have had the privilege of knowing Roxanne, and in our time together, we have established a mutual foundation of trust, admiration, and deep appreciation for her exceptional professional acumen, emotional intelligence, and global expertise. 

These qualities truly set her apart as she serves her community and leads with authority. Roxanne has personally influenced many lives around the world, making her a rare find. She exemplifies the highest standards of conscious leadership, characterized by humility, compassion, and accountability—all coupled with decisive action. 

While many can articulate their values, few embody them as consistently as Roxanne does. She translates her principles into tangible actions and results, always leaving a place, a person, or a situation better than she found it. Roxanne is a leader for our times. She instills accountability, promotes sovereignty, and demonstrates heartfelt stewardship that effectively blends vision with action.

If you are called to be mentored, participate in any of Roxanne's global offerings, or have her consult on your next project, know that the vision she brings is the purpose she lives by. An unparalleled unity of consciousness that truly emanates the true essence of what she is about in the public domain as much as behind closed doors. Extraordinary!!

The                Boutique

Sacred One

The Sacred One Boutique

We're proud to showcase our new bespoke artisan jewelry!


Here are a few pieces of our hand-woven, crystal-infused, Indigenous beaded, shamanic-inspired pieces, as they are the manifestation of the inspiration, channeled wisdom, and creative expression drawn from the primordial waters where Roxanne serves as a Creatrix Oracle. It is vital to recognize that each of the bespoke pieces are trademarked part of our global branding and that no two artisan creations are the same. 


Every collection embraces sacred geometry, honouring the benevolence of Mother Earth and her elemental wisdom alongside powerful universal, galactic, and cosmic synergies. Each piece is as unique as the individual it connects with, perfect for daily wear, ceremonial purposes, or as a meaningful gift symbolizing loving connectivity. 


The love infused into every creation extends from the light that Roxanne shares as a Creatrix, weaving healing energy into the hearts, minds, and souls of humanity. 

The           Benefits



Immerse Yourself Here

We look forward to connecting!

Sacred              Healing


Sacred Embodied Healing

Embrace. Release. Transform.
Your Soul guided you here.

Welcome, Sacred Soul,
The divine alignment calling you to witness yourself in this eternal now moment is powerful and regenerative by highlighting the permanence of how deeply ready you are within your self-leadership to upshift and accelerate the inner reclaiming of your divine intelligence through profound multisensory, multidimensional embodied self-actualization healing, development and self-mastery through the direct stewardship of Roxanne Chaput. When working intimately with Roxanne, it is unparalleled in what you gain access to that expands you in ways that exude beyond the heart, mind, body, and soul expression, honouring all of the eternal sentient light force you are in human sacred expression. 


Mastering the True "Elixir" of Life

Through direct access to Roxanne's primordial Creator consciousness teachings, she shares the pure universal sovereignty "Lifes Elixir" through the intensional pathway stewardship in what it is to be a star human, accessing continuous states of embodied bliss, higher dimensional sage magi wisdom of the ancients of the Earth as much as the celestial kingdoms of creation through you as a soul navigating the vastness of what it is to be a multidimensional human. As such, you gain access to wisdom that is not of mainstream conscious teachings or found on social media - you gain direct access to unlocking soul keys of creation that Roxanne holds divine templates of creation with. Powerful right? The purpose of this primordial elixir direct access consciousness mapping is to accelerate healing pathways, align soul purpose, and activate through grounded somatic rootedness a higher embodied state of soul mastery within your human expression manifesting a life of deep congruency and success.


Expeditious Change

Through intensional curated artisan teachings, group facilitation with years of progressive multi-sensory, multi-dimensionality global self-development literature, international mentorship, progressive disruptive cutting-edge stewardship, and all-encompassing holistic therapeutic interventions with exponential instant and sustainable longevity activations held in the heart, mind, body, and soul wisdom through all-encompassing healing deeply anchored into a one-week immersion that transcends the retreat space and carries you through the next passage of your soul's self-healing mastery. 


Regenerative Healing

This deep-dive immersive space will bring you to a profound state of regenesis, through a comprehensive alignment with daily curated intensional workshops, and immersive transcendental breathwork meditative sessions, cellular DNA soullular™ activations throughout your multi-sensory, multidimensional alignment of being a star human. The purpose of intensionally curated experiences is to optimize the exchange of what this week-long journey underpins with exponential personal, professional, and intimate relating with yourself as much as the divine reflection of the world around you elevating you in ways beyond the seen and unseen allowing for lasting catalyst changes that amplify your strengths and develop your blind spots into new waves of self-actualized mastery. Regenerative, recalibrating relaxing states of ease with grace open you ultimately up to new dimensional wisdom previously untapped yet ready for reclaiming through your own soul's expression within your human sacred vessel in this eternal now moment.


Multi-Sensory, Multidimensional Healing

When a soul incarnates into physical density as a human the complexity of being a human is such a profound expression that has not been throughout humanity's history spoken into the hues of its power in the respectful congruency exchange it should. To begin to innerstand these dynamics is to self-honour the level of soul mastery already acquired throughout the lineages of the soul incarnational soul contracts previously held to divine Mother Earth. As such humans are circumnavigating multiple sensory bodies, emotional expressions, soul wisdom, and torrid field orbital shifts within their own electromagnetic alignments to creation, and that of the collective consciousness of humanity as much as cosmic, galactic, and universal higher states of creational god spark Creator codex in any now moment. To activate the full proximity of one multidimensionally within the enrichment of the unique powerhouse of your own identity in a harmonic alliance to the elixir of life is to shed the confinements of all the conditional fear-based programming of inorganic light, societal projections, and incongruencies that do not reflect your own true Creator consciousness. 


Roxanne's exponential expertise in stewarding you through these passages unlocks density locks and inorganic programming to reveal your true state of divine expression that honours who you are inside and out with all that you touch, create, and hold sacred intensionally in the life you live, lead and love. To witness the self-actualization in what it is to be a multidimensional being is to honour the full spectrum of emotional intelligence through inner unification to divine intelligence as much as the sentient light force of curiously juggling daily the different divine expressions that are all needed to hold ourselves in the highest integrity, consistency and humility when co-creating within humanity regardless of our life path trajectory. Self-healing mastery is the foundational platform that provides the continuous shifts of multidisciplinary living. 


Divine Repatriation

Historically humanity has been foretold that the ways of the world to connect to source, spirit or god must be done through a secular religious passage that often creates projected beliefs, societal programming generational ties to systems, institutional platforms, religious doctrine that does not reflect the true creational reunification the soul seeks in human expression to source, spirit or god. The hive mentality perpetuates often inner conflict, discombobulation, and conflicting beliefs around what it is to know your soul self, god self, and god spark with god. In full proximity and transparency, no one human has ever needed to go to a physical assembly of god (Building) to have a deep regenerative, holistic loving unwavering bond with god, universal mother-father primordial Creator consciousness divine expressions in all ways. 


Divine repatriation is the holistic integrity held in all spaces, relationships, and self-honouring dignity where the dismantlement of constructs, fabled tales, and diminishment of disempowered beliefs that discredit the power of the human voice through the conditioning and projection against humanity only being worthy of unification to god if following a religious or self-deprecating system that disempowers the human experience projecting the need for repentance to be a child of christ consciousness. This is the furthest from the divine universal god sovereign liberty of what it is to be in unity to your own soul sovereignty and that of unity to Mother Father God, source, spirit, and the universal harmonics as a star child of universal connectivity to all that is, as below as above, as within and so without. 


Divine repatriation is the intensional passageway of removing each layer of societal conditioning that disempowers you and speaks of a narrative that only a religious leader can connect you or steward you to God. The role of your soul in human incarnation within this divine temple of universal creation as you navigate the ebbs with flows of your own humanity is the reconnection and repatriation of all the soul-splintered aspects of where you hold disconnect, dis-ease and distrust to God by coming home deeper to yourself, you repatriate your entirety of oneness to your soul, god seed, god spark thus transcending to return to your true creational parents, Mother Father Arc, Androgynous unified GOD, Creator - Creatrix consciousness. Divine repatriation is the full remembrance of who you are beyond your humanity whilst deeply honouring all of your multidimensional human expression with love. 


Mother Arc

When we are born into this world as a child of God, our energetic imprinting held in the womb of creation is the first light of the earthly mother as she nurtures the growth of your soul's incarnational experience as a child of light in human density. Yet this is important to know that this is not our true eternal Mother, our universal, sacred feminine Mother Arc in whom we are a directly seeded consciousness of as a child of light. 


Mother Arc is the aspect of the eternal feminine power of God, which transcends through ancient grandmother's consciousness of universal intelligence, stepping down into all the emanations of the sacred feminine upon the all universal mapping that seeds the earthly realm, from humans to the animal kingdom to all sentient life forms of creational consciousness. 


It's through the multifaceted healing of our inner disconnect to our aspects of the feminine through generational, intergenerational, and mirrored cosmic reflections of conscious connection that we can heal woundings of old to come home in regenesis of our eternal Mother, Mother Arc through the healing waters of change. The healing waters of change are the transcended space of our emotional connectivity and reciprocity to learn to love without bias unconditionally from a deep place of acceptance, forgiveness, and patience. Not only for the self, and soul self however for all the divine feminine representation in life professionally, personally, and intimately. 


The healed sacred feminine is the sacred safe space of universal unconditional love that the Mother Arc embodies illuminating the true Creatrix power of unity, purity, and divine deliverance of nurturing compassionate love that ushers in a continuous flow of tenderness, witnessing the full power of femininity in all expressions. The sacred healed feminine owns her power in private as much as in the public domain never diminishing her power, light, or purpose to make her synergy palatable and digestible for the unhealed feminine wounds of entangled wounding. 


It is when we intensionally choose to heal our own inner sacred feminine passage of self-identity we carve the dignified space to honour the full reverence of the divine principle of sacred femininity in all emanations from the first light of Mother Arc to the innermost sacred reflections of your innate feminine power regardless of gender, age or creed.


Father Arc

The Father Arc is the divine principle of the eternal Father, God, the sacred universal masculine representation of conscious light, transcending down into the ancient shamanic and celestial divine principles of the Creator-conscious multidimensional universal light. 


The divine masculine principle of creation when unhealed reflects the satanic fear-based distortion of power struggles, war, dichotomy, discord, distrust, and perpetuated fear-based connectivity to creational consciousness through media, core base living, and providing for oneself and loved ones in contracted dichotomy which ultimately disempowers the sovereign soul light through controller mechanisms subliminal messaging that fellow humanity cannot be trusted which is not the truth, nor reflective of true Creator consciousness. 


All emanations of father energy are the foundational principle of how you as a star human feel safety, stability, and resourcefulness in your earthly experiences. When this is unmet, your connection to your own innate inner masculinity becomes distorted where the internal dialogue reflects fear, rather than faith, trust in your own ability, and that of the extension of all masculine representation of God's light.


When an individual chooses to repatriate themselves intensionally working on healing the sacred fire of their own inner masculinity from wounding on intergenerational, generational action, and collective conscious awareness through societal programming, institutional frenetic toxic masculinity back into primordial creational Father Arc divine sacred healed masculine principle of unity consciousness how the reverence of all masculine representations of conscious light shifts from segregation, and separation of consciousness back into the honouring of the divine principle of Creator consciousness and that of God held in the way ones shows up for the self, advocating, protecting and providing safe passages of communication, co-creation through healthful and sustainable with soulful purposeful creating communities where everyone thrives, not merely survives as a star human. The bond built back to the primordial purity of God's Sovereign liberty is the full reverence of Universal sovereignty that is the foundation of healed masculinity where integrity, accountability, and transparency lead the path forward where no one is left behind and all is honoured by the interconnectedness of Gods wielding love. 


Creator - Creatrix Consciousness  

The power of the Creator and Creatrix consciousness is the reunification of both the sacred harmonics of universal androgynous energy of the divine principle of oneness, Mother - Father Arc in all healed embodied light. Androgynous energy is the purified reflection of the unified sacred inner marriage of masculine and feminine synergy in oneness within not only human soulful expression however all sentient life, light force energy. It is birthed and sustained in the eternal womb of celestial creation where your true umbilical cord of connection to the primordial God-seeded, God Spark light of Mother-Father Arc resides that is nourished back to you as a child of Christ consciousness. 


For an individual to truly transcend and connect back into Creator and Creatrix consciousness, one must be willing to dismantle any form or flow of all inorganic light that does not reflect this. This means changing the landscape of how one consumes AI (artificial intelligence) news media, and social media and how you buy into fear-perpetuated narratives that circumnavigate enmeshment to scarcity and lack. This also is reflected in how you see yourself, as much as the worldly view of others, how you communicate, create, and collaborate with fellow humanity. As such to honour the Creator - Creatrix consciousness is to hold reverence to Mother Father Arc, God by way of investing in rebuilding your own inner kingdom of creational consciousness, through the healing of the unmet aspects of your own inner and outer divine representations of masculinity and femininity. 


Universal Sovereignty, Child Of Earth

Universal sovereignty is the birthplace of the creation of all universal matrices, not only this harmonic universal light. To be sovereign is to be in full ownership of self. It is actually nothing to sovereign states of institutional governance that have ruled, dominated, and dictated how communities, humanity, and countries honour liberty or freedom in any capacity. In fact, sovereign states of being have been tarnished by controller narratives that have no integrity alignment to the purity of what true universal freedom, emancipation, and god sovereign liberty is in all actualized embodied living. 


Universal sovereignty is the birthright of a star human to soulfully know that no borders actually exist on earth, sacred divine mother earth in any capacity. Where they have been institutionalized is deeply reflective of thousands of years of falsified controller mechanisms sold to humanity as constructs of segregation, separation, and dichotomy to control narratives of enslavement in how elitism controls the narrative of the entire global collective in how humanity thrives vs. survives. We see these wars of division as power struggles which are simply fabricated narratives to control the perpetuation of fear programming and inversion parasitic light where humanity is fed civil war is often the answer when war has never been the solution upon divine sacred Mother Earth.


Balancing the scales of time, and space with the universal god sovereign liberty is truly embracing you as a soul having an exponential journey as a human comes with owning you are a child of Christ's consciousness and that of the entirety of the earth. Sacred divine Mother Earth is your birthplace, not just the city, state, or country you have been sold as the rightful place you can legally call home. It is important as you grow with your own divine temperance of love, acceptance of embracing all of humanity beyond all borders that everyone has the right to live in freedom, universal god sovereign freedom as a child of Earth not just those who dictate and mandate power struggles. 


The invitation for all of humanity is to continue to dismantle and challenge the status quo of all forms of dichotomy where barriers, borders, and control attempt to influence a narrative that will never truly reign the way it projects, as light always consumes darkness through transmutation and transmigration back into unity consciousness. As a child of the entirety of the Divine Mother Earth, know your place of sacred passage is never limited to one location, environment, or elemental change. 


You can call any place home, the truth is liberating, and the living of it is exhilarating one of which the soul knows to be the passage of self-honouring homage to what it is to be a soulful human. 


Sacred Sexuality 

Sacred sexuality is the self-honouring divine expression that actually stems from how one perceives and connects to all energetic temperances and somatic expressions of the sacred sexual expressions of one identity, well before sharing this with another in any capacity, connectivity and level of sexual intimacy.


The objectification of both the masculine and feminine forms has been regurgitated for thousands of years, through self-deprecating humour that disempowers the sacred synergy and creational manifestation power that is rooted in sacred healing sexuality and light. Sexual objectification, sexual trafficking, dehumanization of both masculine and feminine power, blood rituals, and satanic rituals of worshiping unhealthfully physical intimacy have taken away the purity of what sacred sexuality held within one's own divine temple of creation is.


Sacred sexuality is the divine honouring of your individuality and Creator - Creatrix consciousness in all hues as a soulful human.

When no regard is held in this divine reverent light for how your sensuality, sacred sexuality holds and wields powerful creational manifestational light, the entanglements of shadowed light keep one in the perpetuation of parasitic looping disregarding the self-empowered self-honouring passage of what it is to be a divine principle of sacred masculine, sacred feminine light that to touch one's physical temple is earned, it's an honour not a given. To remove one's clothes first starts in the reciprocation of self-honouring the emotional, mental, and energetics of one's entirety of identity before a physical layer of clothing reveals the sacred supple skin of sensation to be caressed and revered as the temple of one's soul.


Sacred Laughter, Healing Through Joy

Navigating the layers of self-healing comes in the true essence of pushing and pulling, knowing when to excavate more as a seeker of soul light, liberty, and self-healing mastery through preservation and deep respect that one is always held in divine right timing that nothing can be forced, revealed before it is in vibrational resonance to be so.


Perception plays a significant role in how one perceives and witnesses self-healing, and self-actualization of the aspects of self-development throughout the reclamation of soulful self-mastery. As such healing is not about it being a heavy arduous flow where you are always having to touch the same core wounds holding the pain or trauma body in states of contraction.


Healing fatigue is a real energy exchange that individuals feel over vast periods due to the relationship they hold to what healing actually is. When an individual holds a begrudging need to witness aspect of self from wounds inherited from leaking projected unmet wounds from intergenerational, generational, and soul lineages the level of discord can create bi-wave looping held in judgment over acceptance without forgiveness that distorts the path-cutting for new to be formed in the way true Creator - Creatrix healing light actually form in universal grail temperance. 


It is vital to the lifeblood of your entirety, epigenetics, and energetics of the path you choose to walk in all ways of healing any aspect of your conscious, sub-conscious and unconscious awareness that you bring and allow joy, laughter, lightness to the shadow of what pains you as equally the meditative space that soothes the soul so that when you lean into healed light, you honour the reverence of the passage of intensional change that was held, witnessed and honoured though the deeply transformative space of where trauma once resided.


Not enough credit is given to the empowerment of what laughter, joy, and happiness gifts to healing even through adversity. The moral of the exchange is that harmonization is key for sustainable longevity in the lifelong trajectory of choosing oneself over and over again in the glimmers of time where healing light is called forward to transmute any aspect of the soul self in human expression. Perspective gifts curious wonder, however can only be present when we gift the grace needed to know that any healing called upon us in life is a lifelong commitment, not a temporary bandaid. 


Connecting your Heart + Brain Connection

As a divine human being, the high integrity value of rebuilding the intensional rewiring of the connection shared between the heart and brain opens an unparalleled unification of the universal bond shared in merging the Aether and Earth within the seat of your soul's human expression. 


To navigate life's purposeful path is to honour that one cannot lead with compassionate integrity when always looking at life analytically, as the heart expression is where humility drives presence and patience with innerstanding the divine intelligence of god sovereign universal liberty as a human is rooted in how equally-weighted the bond built between the heart and brain unification is nurtured and held in all ways from the inner landscape of self-identity to how you express and communicate yourself well before you even open your mouth. 


Energetics play a significant role in how you sacredly hold yourself through the inner landscape of self-talk, self-care, and self-leadership is rooted in how you invest in building inner unification between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, divine intelligence through the seat of your soul by weaving the elixir of life through the heart brain intelligence of soullular™ healing presence in human density.


Vibrational Shifts, Energetic Enhancements Of Soulful Living

The sacred harmonics of universal wisdom are held in the first light, first rays of creation that exude the powerful creational harmonics of plasma light, sonic vibrational sounds that echo the passages of planetary, cosmic, galactic, and universal resonance that extend the electromagnetic shifts required both personally and planetary for the highest exaltation required for energetic enhanced soulful living. 


As such when you immerse yourself in self-actualized self-healing sovereign self-mastery you activate levels of intensional vibrational orbital shifts within your own divine templates of the electromagnetic field of creation through the individual merkba, inner and outer meridian line connectivity to somatic shifts, energetic realignments and activations of initiations that illuminate beyond all previously perceived ways of living, learning, growing and loving yourself forward. 


This is the path, this is the reverence held in owning all that you are from the first light to the eternal now as a star human.


Ancestral Healing 

Ancestral healing exudes, emancipates, and reconfigures consciousness in the seen and unseen in ways the human brain's capacity to conceptualize it often will challenge the ego due to the ego feeling threatened by the unknown and need of continuous surrendering required to heal lineages of the soul light, Mother - Father Arc primordial god spark sentient representations of Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine inner and outer life force with all light force, lived actualized embodied wisdom.


Ego deaths and rewilding of the sacred gnosis of ancestral power, storytelling and primordial reverence to the galactic heritage of god world domain creation of the first light of God spark to the on-planet and off-planet multitude of incarnational soul contracts lived through the eternality of the souls magnitude is honouring the ancient lineages that came before us, whilst knowing they are us as no degree of separation exists in universal light. 


Ancestral reverence is honouring the balanced nuanced exchanges where when we touch the aspects of ancestral healing we liberate the generations to come in profound path cutting in systems, controller consciousness traps through reinstallation of true Creator codex, cellular DNA regenesis retraining the crystal keys of creation back into universal integrity mapping new ways of holding reverence of our ancestors and what they often held in contractual agreements they two did not always full innerstand in reverence to the soul incarnational contracts held until otherwise. 


When we take on a soul contract to heal through deeply antiquated systems of ancestral healing light, we are in fact choosing from the seat of the soul to heal bloodlines that may not even be on the earth plane at this time however are deeply rooted in ancient ties to the Sacred Divine Mother Earth's sacred sites, portals and vortexes of gateway activations that merges unity consciousness back into oneness, the universal grail and eternal elixir of life.


When you hold ancestral healing in this way, the way you reveal the soul agreements to dismantle the old to cultivate healed light in the new is such as honour, how you speak that into existence will never be the same again.



Embodiment is loosely and widely used in social media without a full self-actualized self-ownership of what it actually is as a state of lived rooted beingness in life. The true metrics of an embodied human reside in the exponential life themes and life lessons they have self-mastered from states of dysregulation, discord, disease, and dichotomy that stem from the invested time, and space of integrity to sit with what is being asked to dismantle through ego deaths, healing state of trauma or pain body responses form this incarnational human density through the vastness of the ancients of soul lineages calling for emancipation and universal sovereignty. 


True Creator embodiment can only occur when a life lesson or life theme has been healed and perceptional shifts have been cultivated in such a way that the heightened level of reprogramming the mitochondrial DNA, soul mapping through emotional and mental divine intelligence by way of cellular memory somatic shifts liberates how wisdom is held, stewarded and shared from. 


Embodied lived wisdom is taking the accumulation of wisdom learned and applying the perspective shifts in self-sustaining ways that uphold the rebuilding of the foundational path, that holds an individual to speak to the deeply transformative passageways of self-sovereign liberty where they can speak on topics, lived wisdom they have mastered through divine intelligence, emotional intelligence within the expression of being human.


Embodied living is the extension of the multidimensional connectivity of the powerful shifts that occur when an individual takes full responsibility for all they are, not simply the parts they seek validation of the world to tell them they are doing life right or are good human beings.


An embodied individual knows what it takes to traverse the shadow to integrate its teachings back into primordial light reclaiming every single aspect of self-empowerment, soul light, and self-expression to know the valour it took to walk the tidal waters of change, the depth needed to find ones self over and over again until mastery became embodied expression.

The           Practices


The Sacred Practices

Feel. Heal. Elevate.
Your Soul knows the pathway!

Soullular™ Healing

Reunifying through regenesis of one's Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul Connection of self-actualized self-liberty healing mastery through

proven revolutionary embodied somatic approach in healing at the cellular and soullular™ level of soul to human-divine expression from the core electromagnetic energy centers of divine eternal intelligence including the Mind, Emotional Body, Sensory Body, Physical Body, and Soul with god seed, god spark eternal universal sovereignty these cosmic corrections and universal gateway activations foster an immersive self-actualized ancient healing practice woven with traditional and historical spiritual rituals fused with the advancement of Neuroscience together that upholds the inner and outer unity of what it is to positively create a powerful sustainable life-altering experience that will gift intensional direction of soul service, community investment, and personal expansion that is unparalleled for evolutionary times.  


Transcendence of the Soul

Shamanism is foundationally rooted in the multidimensional organic unified eternal umbilicus cord of purity that an individual can unify to the spirit world, multidimensional unified primordial creational consciousness of varied elemental kingdoms, celestial, cosmic, galactic and universal magic that is by engaging in an energetic trance state of being honouring the medicine wheel, as much as the wheels of time within this universal time matrices that provide powerful insights, deliverance and expansion in embracing the unseen, unknown and known aspects of conscious soul mapping and sentiment light force, life force consciousness soul incarnational wisdom. 


This innate process transcends the projected beliefs of reality, that once a direct channel is made in the highest caliber, integrity, and divine deliverance of primordial purity a shaman can draw down into the physicality of human density profound ancient wisdom and universal healing power from within the depths of their being as a conduit of creational Creator - Creatrix god world domain gnosis that spans more than this universal time matrix, it connects and transcends the god particle of all creation.


The transmigration of the transcendence of the soul involves traveling within oneself for consultation, clarity through soul retrieval, and intergenerational, generational as much as soul-to-human avatar healing. This is a profound way to conduct an internal conversation, compass, and ascertain vital information directly from either your highest self, as much as your future self living out the very realities of divine expression and manifestation being sought for optimal living in all eternal now moments. 


This inner being is in constant connection with all levels of your consciousness. The conscious mapping of your Journey to the Soul is within where you will find the answers to all of your questions, in all divine expressions, avatars, densities, and energetic temples of light.


During the journey, you go beyond your own perceived awareness where oftentimes people will describe seeing various lights, many will experience a change in body temperature or a shift of movement as they are experiencing more profound awareness. The experience is distinctive in itself as it reveals unexpected insights and revealings. It's learning congruently where your own energetics ends and the next begins in the interconnectedness of all harmonic universal sentient light force, life force synergy.


*None of these sacred practices include any hallucinogenics only Earth Mother's plant medicines to clear and cleanse energy such as White Sage, Blue Sage, SEMAA (Wild Tobacco Non-Toxic), Cedar, Pine, and Sweet Grass. Roxanne is the acclaimed Sacred One of the highest Light, hallucinogenics are not needed, nor advocated for on any level to reach clarity and full spiritual body coherence embodied connectivity when you can access the organic telekinesis of the sacred medicine, digesting or ingesting pathogens of inorganic light do not support the sovereignty of the soul, they simply tether the soul to inorganic information that keeps their consciousness in consciousness traps and falsified fear based matrices. 


The Brain and Mind Connection

Your brain is the biological gateway of human expression whereby you access the eternal intelligence of the Universal Mind, the eye of god. This enables you to maximize your human experience, fusing the physical with the spiritual to express the highest emanations of your soul's essence in all you are. Each soul incarnates upon the earth has intensionally chosen to be here and now even when faced with adversity in this physical dimension, is always for a purpose. 


The power of the mind is often underrated and misappropriated in how its powerful capacity to access knowledge beyond the seen and unseen is what Soullular™ healing has harnessed through thousands of 1-1's, intensives, retreats, and group stewardship by using the natural tools you are endowed with, in harmony with the physical natural laws of the universe, that you can fully know and experience what that purpose is with ease, grace, and sovereign dignity.


Profound Somatic Soul Movement

The practice and soothing movements in the intensionality of expanding the body's natural torrid field of conscious mapping and connectivity opens up, expanding the deeper channels of the physical body along with the joints, ligaments, muscles, bones, and fascia that need time, patience and love to caress back to their optimal positions of sentient light force, life force god sovereign free universal connectivity. 


Once this physiological homeostasis has been obtained, this allows you to open up more profoundly within your emotional and spiritual bodies, creating expansion to release suppressed beliefs, emotions and memories. This is the epicenter of the self-actualized merging of returning back to the divine reunification of the heart and brain as one. 


When you listen to your Soul's guidance in moving your body, this is when seismic shifts begin to happen. Holding your body's movement and allowing yourself to release what is no longer serving you. These held movements can last minutes as you only shift when your guidance asks you to shift. This allows you the time that is needed to go deeply within. Traversing the complex layers of multidimensional healing across the divine representations of your powerful being, it is in the the stillness of each movement and breath, you can ask the more reflective questions, and queries, and speak into existence affirmations that may be ignored in your day to day movements sitting in the outer edges of you bio-field waiting to be reunified once more as intended by the soul, god, and harmonic universal soul sovereignty.


When you combine the holding...the pausing...and the deepness together, you have a practice that supports all that you need to be, embodying what it truly means to walk within the harmony of your bodies working in cohesiveness to accept all in which you innately are from your shadows to your light in embodied divine expression.


Breathwork, Expansion of Soul Fire

Breathwork has been a powerful tool for internal recalibration and transcendence for thousands of years and has become a highly sought-after modern-day holistic practice helping to alleviate and activate whilst bringing a natural resonance elevation of somatic and conscious awareness of where the bodies holding, storing, or emanating energy that is creating stop, start or fluid flow of the sacred presence of breath, the elixir of life.


As humans, we inherently take for granted the ability to breathe, without any effort of how and what it is in symbolic resonance to our human expression, our soul's avatar in embodied expression. Altered states of breath have shown the body's natural harmonic ability to shift through somatic energetic guided shifts to move density held in the trauma body ready for surrender and recalibration opening up energy centers, circumnavigating newfound awareness to conscious mapping, self-sovereignty as much as accessing intuitive states of being, calming the mind, nervous system and whilst welcoming states of emotional ease to come into alignment where the combination of emotional, mental and physical body support is held in new congruency with energetic liberty.


When we face physical or emotional distress, it can impact our ability to breathe freely, abundantly, and honourably to our soul to human expression. The contraction and stifling of the breath compounds in ways that not only energetic distortion occurs, however the physical manifestation of disease states also forms in ways that take intentional effort to recalibrate and change the relationship to the body as a barometer of truth, sacred benevolence as a vessel of divine light as a soul having this extraordinary journey as a human being. By mastering our breath, we learn to soothe our central nervous system, calming our stress and creating harmony within our Mind, Body, and Soul. The benefits extend to alkalizing blood pH, acting as a natural anti-inflammatory, and uplifting our mood whilst centrally grounding back into multidimensional awareness of how the simple act of breathing dynamically influences our radial sense of entirety as a sacred being. 


Meditative States of Universal Language

Meditation is a universal transcended gateway of transformation that invites you to sit with the internal dialogue of your soul's whispers that allows you to delve into the depths of your true self, whilst its benefits are tremendous, the pathways to reach such depth of connectivity to the intuitive barometer of your soul-guiding gilding light comes with a commitment to repatriation of a self-honouring practice to help quieten the external noise, demands, and distractions of this world by turning inwards to remove and learn to identify what is your voice vs. what is the voice of others. What is your own energy, vs. what is the energy of others. 


Through the passage of self-honouring reverence, insights are found. Healing is witnessed and the relationship to self with meditation comes with an innate inner knowing of how the investment in self transcends all time space and connectivity by holding you, witnessing yourself in ways that are tender, vulnerable, and deeply honest in where you perceive you are to where your soul mastery is calling you forward.


Meditative states offer a soothing balm to ail you whilst opening you beyond egoic states, contraction, and discombobulated energetic stances that try to pull you into the frey by showing you directly how to dismantle all the incongruences that are not self-honouring. There are many passageways of how to connect to meditative states of resonance, how you connect is not the highlight reel - it is that you carve intentional time to journey sacredly with the soul as much as the body's natural beacon of truth to continue to highlight where you can surrender more, soften more and receive more of your soul's truth by witnessing anything that is not this through the silence of witnessing, asking and curious tending to the stillness meditation holds.


Vibrational Healing

Vibrational healing is a succinct flow of multisensory, multidimensional healing light that is rooted in plasma light exchanges that hold sonic, sonar, solid, and platonic solid universal synergy awakening dormancy stagnancy ready for dismantlement so liberty can reign once more as intended by creation, Mother-Father God.


With this universal knowledge the power of vibrational healing in conjunction with the knowledge that all humans are vibrational beings of light in density, how we connect to sound, light, and vibrational healing can have a profound somatic, energetic resonance that is unparalleled without it.


Sequentially the different vibrational resonances from the 1st Dimensional of light to the higher dimensional light rays of the elemental kingdoms, celestial gateways to cosmic, galactic, and universal harmonic resonance awaken the heart, nourish the soul to elevate the heart-brain connectivity in knowing to know the degree of separation can or does exist ever in vibrational healing of the body, mind and spirit. 


It works on two principles: That different emotions vibrate at different levels, and that blocked, or unexpressed emotions, are the main source of dis-ease. It has been proven that our thoughts and feelings produce energy, which triggers vibration. Everything vibrates at a different level, including felt emotions that we consider uncomfortable, or unpleasant which vibrate at relatively low levels and the emotions that most people find pleasant and joyful vibrate at higher levels. Sound healing is proven to be effective in four ways: sympathetic resonance, brainwave entrainment, frequency following response, and harmonizing the brain's left and right hemispheres. The sonic, sonar, and ability to receive universal plasma sounds enables a level of soulful regenesis in primordial sound healing that transcends space, time, and confinement of entanglements preventing universal healing light beyond density into full radial resonance of connectivity for soulful purposeful healing mastery. 

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Roxanne Chaput, is a transformative voice featured on over 500+ leading global podcasts, television shows, radio shows and progressive news outlets. She passionately speaks at major global international events, sharing her visionary insights on self-actualization, self-healing, and multidimensional mastery. As a pioneer in this space for over a decade, she leads the way in awakening awareness of embodied living. To immerse yourself in Roxanne's wisdom, connect below to her previous partnerships, where she explores the profound realms of multi-sensory experiences, multidimensionality, universal self-healing, and embodied sovereignty.

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